4 Tips To Avoid Locking Your Keys in Your Car

Locking your keys in your car can be a frustrating and inconvenient situation. We have all experienced that sinking feeling when we realize our keys are trapped inside our locked vehicle. Fortunately, there are several tips that can help you avoid this predicament and save you time and money in the process.

1. Always check before closing your car:

Before you walk away from your vehicle, get into the habit of double-checking that you have your keys in your hand. Take a moment to ensure you have them before closing the car door. It may seem like a small step, but it can make all the difference in preventing a lockout.

2. Use a spare key:

Keep a spare key with you at all times. This can be a lifesaver in case you accidentally lock yourself out of your car. You can keep the spare key in your wallet or purse, or give it to a trusted friend or family member.

3. Utilize technology:

Take advantage of the technology available to prevent locking your keys in your car. Invest in a keyless entry system or a key fob that allows you to unlock your car with a push of a button. Additionally, there are smartphone apps that can remotely unlock your vehicle, providing an extra layer of security.

4. Develop a routine:

Create a routine that ensures you never leave your keys behind. This could be as simple as always placing your keys in the same pocket or having a designated spot for them in your bag. By making it a habit to check for your keys before leaving your car, you significantly reduce the chances of locking them inside.

By following these expert tips, you can avoid the frustration and inconvenience of locking your keys in your car. Remember to double-check, keep a spare key, utilize technology, and develop a routine to ensure you never find yourself on the wrong side of a locked car door.

Common Mistakes That Lead To Locked Keys in Cars

Locking your keys in your car can be a frustrating and inconvenient experience. To avoid this situation, it’s important to be mindful of common mistakes that can lead to locked keys in cars. Here are some tips to help you avoid this unfortunate mishap:

  • Forgetting to take your keys out of the ignition before exiting the vehicle.
  • Leaving your keys in the car while loading or unloading groceries, luggage, or other items.
  • Accidentally locking your keys inside the car while using the remote keyless entry system.
  • Not having a spare key readily available in case of an emergency.

By being aware of these common mistakes, you can take precautions to prevent locking your keys in your car. Remember to always double-check for your keys before leaving your vehicle and keep a spare key in a safe place. Taking these simple steps can save you time, money, and frustration in the long run.

Why It’s Important to Have Spare Keys on Hand

Locking your keys in your car can be a major inconvenience. It can happen to anyone at any time, and it often seems to occur when you least expect it. To avoid finding yourself in this frustrating situation, it’s important to have spare keys on hand.

Having spare keys for your car can save you time, money, and stress. Instead of having to call and wait for a locksmith to come and unlock your car, you can simply use your spare key to get back on the road quickly. This can be especially helpful in emergency situations or when you’re in a hurry.

Additionally, having spare keys can prevent you from damaging your car or causing any unnecessary expenses. Trying to work your way into your locked car can result in scratched paint, broken door handles, or damaged windows. By having spare keys, you won’t have to resort to these desperate measures.

It’s also important to note that having spare keys doesn’t just apply to your car. You should also consider having spare keys for your house, office, and any other important locks in your life. This way, you won’t have to worry about getting locked out of other places as well.

Overall, having spare keys is a simple precautionary measure that can save you a lot of time, money, and stress in the long run. So don’t wait until you’re locked out of your car to realize their importance. Take the time to have spare keys made and keep them in a safe place, so you can avoid the hassle of being locked out.

How to Choose a Reliable Locksmith

When it comes to your car keys, it’s important to avoid any situation that may result in locking them inside your car. However, accidents happen, and if you find yourself in need of a locksmith, it’s crucial to choose a reliable one. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:

1. Do your research

Before hiring a locksmith, take the time to research their reputation and credentials. Look for online reviews and check if they are licensed and insured. A reliable locksmith should have a good track record and positive feedback from previous customers.

2. Ask for recommendations

One of the best ways to find a reliable locksmith is by asking for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues. Getting a referral from someone you trust can give you peace of mind and confidence in the locksmith’s abilities.

3. Check their availability

In emergency situations, it’s crucial to choose a locksmith who is available 24/7. Locking your keys inside your car can happen at any time, so make sure the locksmith you choose can provide immediate assistance when needed.

4. Get a written estimate

Before hiring a locksmith, make sure to get a written estimate of the cost for their services. A reliable locksmith should be able to provide a clear breakdown of the charges, including any additional fees. This will help you avoid any surprises or hidden costs.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you choose a reliable locksmith to help you in case you ever lock your keys in your car. Remember, it’s better to be prepared and have a trustworthy locksmith on hand than to panic in a stressful situation.

Top Tools to Use When Locked Out of Your Car

Locking yourself out of your car can be a frustrating experience, but there are several tools that can help you avoid this situation. Here are some of the top tools to use when locked out of your car:

1. Spare Key: One of the easiest ways to avoid locking yourself out of your car is to have a spare key on hand. Keep a spare key in a safe place, such as your wallet or purse, so you can access it quickly if needed.

2. Wire Coat Hanger: If you don’t have a spare key, a wire coat hanger can be a handy tool to unlock your car door. Bend the hanger into a long, straight shape with a hook at one end. Insert the hook through the weather stripping on the window and try to reach the lock mechanism to unlock the door.

3. Lockout Tool Kit: Another option is to purchase a lockout tool kit, which typically includes a variety of tools designed to unlock car doors. These tools are specifically designed to prevent damage to your car’s locking mechanism while allowing you to gain access.

4. Professional Locksmith: If you are unable to unlock your car on your own or do not feel comfortable attempting it, it’s best to call a professional locksmith. They have the expertise and tools necessary to safely unlock your car without causing any damage.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan in case you find yourself locked out of your car. By having a spare key or the right tools on hand, you can avoid the frustration and inconvenience of being locked out.

Essential Tips to Prevent Locking Your Keys in Your Car

Locking your keys in the car can be a frustrating and time-consuming situation. However, by following these essential tips, you can avoid this inconvenience and save yourself a lot of stress.

1. Double-check before leaving your car: Before you step out of your car, make it a habit to double-check that you have your keys with you. Pat your pockets or look in your bag to ensure that you haven’t left them inside the car.

2. Develop a routine: Create a routine that helps you remember to take your keys with you. For example, you can make it a habit of placing your keys in the same spot as soon as you park your car. This way, you’ll always know where your keys are and won’t forget them inside the car.

3. Use a spare key: Keeping a spare key with you can save you from the hassle of getting locked out of your car. You can keep the spare key in a secure place like your wallet or purse, or give it to a trusted friend or family member who can bring it to you in case of an emergency.

4. Install a keyless entry system: Consider installing a keyless entry system in your car. This way, you won’t need to use traditional keys and there will be no chance of locking them inside your car. Keyless entry systems are convenient and provide added security.

By following these tips, you can avoid the frustration of locking your keys in your car. Remember to always stay vigilant and develop good habits to ensure that you never find yourself in this situation again.

The Benefits of Installing Keyless Entry Systems

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key. That’s why more and more car owners are opting to install keyless entry systems in their vehicles. These systems offer a range of benefits that make them a worthwhile investment.

One of the main advantages of keyless entry systems is the convenience they provide. No longer will you have to fumble around for your keys in your purse or pocket. With a keyless entry system, all you have to do is press a button to unlock or lock your car. This saves you time and eliminates the stress of searching for your keys.

Another benefit of keyless entry systems is enhanced security. Traditional keys can be easily lost or stolen, leaving your car vulnerable to theft. Keyless entry systems eliminate this risk by using advanced technology, such as encrypted codes, to ensure that only authorized users can access the car. This provides peace of mind and helps to protect your valuable investment.

Keyless entry systems also offer added convenience when it comes to sharing your car. With traditional keys, you would need to physically hand over the key or make a copy for someone else to use your car. With a keyless entry system, you can simply assign a temporary code for others to access your car. This is ideal for car-sharing services or when lending your car to a friend or family member.

Lastly, keyless entry systems can even help to prevent locking your keys inside the car. Many systems have features that alert you if you leave your keys inside the vehicle or lock them in the trunk. This can save you from the frustration and inconvenience of having to call a locksmith or break into your own car.

In conclusion, installing a keyless entry system in your car is a smart choice. It offers convenience, enhanced security, and the ability to share your car easily. Plus, it can help to prevent the common mistake of locking your keys inside your car. So why not upgrade your car with a keyless entry system today?

What to Do If Locked Out of Your Car in a Dangerous Situation

If you find yourself locked out of your car in a dangerous situation, it’s important to stay calm and take appropriate action. Follow these tips to ensure your safety:

  1. Assess the situation: Take a moment to evaluate your surroundings and determine the level of danger you are in. If you are in immediate danger, such as being in a high-crime area or facing an aggressive individual, it’s important to prioritize your safety above all else.
  2. Call for help: If you have a cellphone on hand, call the authorities or emergency services and provide them with your location and the details of your situation. They can provide guidance and assistance in getting you out of the dangerous situation.
  3. Find a safe place: If it is safe to do so, try to move to a well-lit and populated area where you can wait for help to arrive. Avoid isolated or unfamiliar locations, as they may pose additional risks.
  4. Contact a professional: In some cases, you may need to seek the help of a locksmith or roadside assistance service to unlock your car. If possible, reach out to a reputable professional who can quickly and safely gain access to your vehicle.

Remember, safety should always be your top priority. By following these tips, you can navigate a locked-out situation in a dangerous environment with caution and minimize potential risks.

The Pros and Cons of Using a Slim Jim

When it comes to locking yourself out of your car, using a slim jim is a common solution to get back inside. However, like any method, it has its pros and cons. Here are some key points to consider:


  1. A slim jim is a handy tool that can quickly unlock your car door without causing any damage. It can save you time and money by avoiding the need for a locksmith.
  2. Using a slim jim is relatively easy and doesn’t require special skills or training. With a little practice, you can become proficient in using this tool.
  3. It is a compact and lightweight tool that can easily fit in your pocket or glove compartment, making it readily available in case of an emergency.
  4. Using a slim jim can give you a sense of self-reliance and empowerment, as you can handle a car lockout situation on your own.


  1. Using a slim jim can damage your car’s internal mechanisms if not used correctly. It’s important to be cautious and gentle when manipulating the tool.
  2. Some modern car models have advanced locking systems that are not easily bypassed with a slim jim. It may not be effective in unlocking these types of cars.
  3. In some countries and states, using a slim jim to unlock a car without proper authorization may be illegal. Always check the laws and regulations in your area before attempting to use this tool.

While a slim jim can be a useful tool for unlocking a car door, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before deciding to use it. If you’re unsure or uncomfortable, it’s best to seek professional help to avoid any potential damage or legal issues.

Unlocking Your Car: DIY Solutions vs Professional Help

Accidentally locking your keys inside your car can be a frustrating and stressful experience. However, there are several options available to help you regain access to your vehicle. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of DIY solutions versus seeking professional help.

DIY Solutions:

  • Coat Hanger: One of the most common DIY solutions is using a wire coat hanger to unlock the car door. This method involves bending the hanger to create a hook shape and attempting to maneuver it inside the door to reach the lock mechanism. While this can be effective, it requires some skill and may cause damage to your car if done incorrectly.
  • Shoestring: Another DIY solution involves using a shoestring to unlock the car door. This method is similar to the coat hanger technique but requires tying a slip knot and sliding it through the door frame to catch the lock. Again, caution must be exercised to avoid damaging the vehicle.
  • Window Wedge: If you have access to a window wedge or a thin object like a plastic ruler, you can try to create a small gap between the door and the frame. This gap allows you to access the lock mechanism and manually unlock the car. However, be careful not to damage the window or the door seal in the process.
  • Spare Key: If you have a spare key, this is the simplest and most reliable DIY solution. Keep a spare key in a secure location, such as in your wallet or with a trusted friend or family member. This ensures that you will always have a backup plan in case of emergencies.

Professional Help:

  • Locksmith: Hiring a professional locksmith is often the safest and most efficient solution. Locksmiths have the expertise and specialized tools necessary to unlock your car without causing any damage. They can quickly and professionally get you back inside your vehicle.
  • Roadside assistance: If you have a roadside assistance service or are a member of an automobile club, they may be able to assist you with unlocking your car. Simply call their helpline, and they will dispatch a professional to help you.

When it comes to unlocking your car, both DIY solutions and professional help have their advantages and disadvantages. DIY solutions can be cost-effective and may work in certain situations, but they require some skill and can potentially damage your car. On the other hand, professional help provides peace of mind and can get you back on the road quickly and safely.

Ultimately, the choice between DIY and professional help depends on your comfort level, availability of resources, and the urgency of the situation. It’s always a good idea to have a backup plan, such as keeping a spare key, to avoid the inconvenience of being locked out of your car.

The Role of Car Manufacturers in Providing Keyless Entry Solutions

In today’s fast-paced world, where convenience is key, car manufacturers have played a crucial role in providing keyless entry solutions for vehicles. This innovative technology has revolutionized the way we interact with our cars and has significantly reduced the chances of locking our keys inside.

Keyless entry systems allow car owners to lock or unlock their vehicles without the need for a traditional key. Instead, a small fob or smart key is used, which communicates with the car’s onboard computer system. This technology has made it easier for drivers to access their cars quickly and efficiently.

By implementing keyless entry solutions, car manufacturers have addressed the common problem of locking keys inside cars. This has become a common occurrence, with many people finding themselves in frustrating situations where they are locked out of their own vehicles. However, with keyless entry systems, this problem is minimized.

Here are some tips to avoid locking your keys in the car:

1. Be mindful of your keys: Always pay attention to where your keys are and make sure to keep them in a safe place. Avoid placing them in areas where they can easily fall out, such as loose pockets or unsecured bags.

2. Utilize the keyless entry system: Take advantage of the keyless entry system provided by your car manufacturer. This will allow you to lock or unlock your car without physically using the key, reducing the chances of accidentally leaving it inside.

3. Develop a routine: Establish a habit of checking for your keys before exiting your car. Make it a part of your routine to ensure that you always have your keys with you before leaving the vehicle.

4. Keep a spare key: As an additional precaution, keep a spare key in a secure location, such as a trusted family member’s house or a lockbox. This way, even if you do accidentally lock your keys inside, you have a backup plan.

In conclusion, car manufacturers have recognized the importance of providing keyless entry solutions to reduce the instances of locking keys in cars. By utilizing these systems, being mindful of your keys, and developing good habits, you can greatly minimize the risk of getting locked out of your own vehicle.

How to Keep Your Keys Secure While Being Active

When you’re on the move and being active, it’s important to find ways to keep your keys secure. Losing your keys can be a major inconvenience, especially if you’re away from home or in a remote area. Follow these tips to ensure you never have to worry about locking your keys in your car again:

1. Use a secure keychain: Invest in a sturdy keychain that won’t easily break or detach from your belongings. Look for keychains with strong clips or hooks that can be easily attached to your bag or clothing. This will help prevent your keys from falling out or getting lost while you’re active.

2. Utilize a key pouch: If you don’t want to attach your keys to your bag or clothing, consider using a key pouch or small wallet specifically designed for keys. These pouches often come with a zipper or secure closure to keep your keys safe and easily accessible.

3. Wear a key wristband: For those who prefer to keep their keys on their person, a key wristband can be a convenient option. These wristbands typically have a pocket or compartment where you can securely store your keys while you’re active. Some even come with additional features, such as a sweat-resistant material or a key tracker.

4. Use a key lockbox: If you frequently engage in activities where you can’t bring your bag or wear a key wristband, consider using a key lockbox. These lockboxes are typically secured to your car and require a combination or key to open. You can safely store your keys inside the lockbox while you’re being active, ensuring they won’t accidentally get locked inside your car.

By following these tips, you can keep your keys secure while staying active. Remember to always be mindful of your keys and take precautions to avoid losing or misplacing them. With these measures in place, you can enjoy your activities without the worry of locking your keys in your car.

The Influence of Weather Conditions on Car Locks

Weather conditions can have a significant impact on the functioning of car locks, often leading to situations where people inadvertently lock their keys inside their vehicles. Here are some tips to help you avoid this frustrating situation:

1. Extreme Temperatures:

Extreme temperatures can cause the metal components of car locks to expand or contract, making them more prone to getting stuck or jammed. In colder weather, lock mechanisms can freeze, making it difficult to insert or turn the key. On the other hand, in hot weather, the metal can expand, making it difficult to unlock or remove the key from the lock. To avoid this, it’s important to keep your locks well lubricated with graphite or silicone-based lubricants that can withstand temperature fluctuations.

2. Rain and Humidity:

Moisture from rain or high humidity can seep into the locks and cause them to rust or corrode, making them harder to operate. It’s crucial to protect your car’s locks from excessive exposure to water by keeping windows closed during rainfall and parking in covered areas. If you notice any signs of rust or corrosion, it’s best to have a professional locksmith inspect and possibly repair the affected locks.

3. Snow and Ice:

During winter months, snow and ice can accumulate on your car’s locks, making it difficult to insert or turn the key. Using a de-icer product or applying a small amount of rubbing alcohol can help melt the ice and snow and make it easier to unlock your car. It’s important to remove any snow or ice buildup around the lock before attempting to unlock it to prevent any damage to the lock mechanism.

4. Sunlight:

Direct sunlight can cause the interior of your car to heat up, which can, in turn, affect the functioning of your car’s locks. The heat can cause the metal components to expand, leading to difficulties in unlocking or removing the key. Parking in shaded areas or using sunshades can help reduce the temperature inside your car, minimizing the risk of lock-related issues.

By keeping these tips in mind and taking proper precautions, you can avoid the frustration and inconvenience of locking your keys in your car due to weather conditions. Remember to regularly maintain and inspect your car’s locks to ensure smooth operation and to seek professional help if needed.

Car Insurance and Lockout Coverage: Is It Worth It?

If you’ve ever experienced the frustration of locking your keys in your car, you may be wondering if it’s worth it to have car insurance that includes lockout coverage. Locking yourself out of your vehicle can happen to anyone, no matter how careful you are. In these situations, having lockout coverage can provide you with peace of mind and potentially save you time and money.

Lockout coverage is typically an add-on option that offers assistance if you accidentally lock your keys inside your car. Depending on your policy, it may cover the cost of a locksmith to come and unlock your vehicle, or it may provide reimbursement for locksmith services up to a certain limit. Some policies may also include coverage for key replacement in case your keys are lost or stolen.

Here are a few reasons why lockout coverage may be worth considering:

1. Peace of mind: Knowing that you have lockout coverage can give you peace of mind, especially if you frequently find yourself in situations where you may accidentally lock your keys in your car. It can alleviate the stress and frustration of being locked out and provide a quick and convenient solution.
2. Time and convenience: Having lockout coverage can save you time and inconvenience. Instead of having to search for a locksmith on your own, you can simply call your insurance provider and they can connect you with a reputable locksmith who will come to your location and unlock your vehicle.
3. Cost savings: Lockout coverage can potentially save you money. The cost of locksmith services can vary, but they can be expensive, especially if you find yourself locked out in an unfamiliar area or during non-business hours. With lockout coverage, you may only need to pay a deductible, if any, rather than the full cost of locksmith services.
4. Additional benefits: Some car insurance policies that include lockout coverage may also offer additional benefits, such as roadside assistance or reimbursement for transportation expenses if your car needs to be towed. These additional benefits can provide even more value and peace of mind.

While lockout coverage may add a small additional cost to your car insurance premium, the benefits it offers can outweigh the expense in certain situations. It’s important to review your policy and consider your individual needs and circumstances to determine if lockout coverage is worth it for you.


What are some tips for avoiding locking your keys in the car?

Some tips for avoiding locking your keys in the car include always double-checking that you have your keys before exiting the vehicle, using a keychain or lanyard to attach your keys to yourself or your bag, keeping a spare key in a safe place outside the vehicle, and utilizing technology such as keyless entry systems or smartphone apps.

What should I do if I accidentally lock my keys inside the car?

If you accidentally lock your keys inside the car, there are a few options you can try. First, check if any windows or doors are unlocked, as this may provide a way to access the inside of the car. If not, you can call a locksmith to help you gain entry to your vehicle. Another option is to contact your car insurance provider, as some policies may cover locksmith services. Lastly, if you have a spare key stored outside the vehicle, you can use it to unlock the doors.

What are some common mistakes people make that lead to locking their keys in the car?

Some common mistakes that people make that lead to locking their keys in the car include absent-mindedly leaving the keys in the ignition or on the seat, rushing and not double-checking before locking the doors, placing the keys in a bag or purse and forgetting to take them out, and relying too heavily on keyless entry systems without having a backup plan in case the technology fails.

Can I use a smartphone app to prevent locking my keys in the car?

Yes, there are smartphone apps available that can help prevent locking your keys in the car. These apps often use Bluetooth technology to connect to your vehicle and provide features such as alerts when you leave your keys behind, reminders to grab your keys before exiting the vehicle, and even remote access to lock or unlock the car doors.

What should I do if I don’t have a spare key and I accidentally lock my keys in the car?

If you don’t have a spare key and you accidentally lock your keys in the car, your best option would be to call a locksmith. They have the necessary tools and expertise to help unlock your car without causing any damage. It’s important to note that hiring a locksmith may come with a cost, so be prepared to pay for their services. Alternatively, you can also contact your car insurance provider to inquire if they offer any coverage for locksmith services.

What are some tips for avoiding locking my keys in my car?

There are several tips to avoid locking your keys in your car. First, make it a habit to double-check that you have your keys before leaving your car. Second, consider getting a spare key and keeping it in a safe place outside of your car. Third, use a key chain or lanyard to keep your keys easily accessible. Finally, if you often find yourself forgetting your keys, consider using a keyless entry system for your car.

What should I do if I accidentally lock my keys in my car?

If you accidentally lock your keys in your car, there are a few steps you can take. First, stay calm and assess the situation. If you have a spare key, try using it to unlock the car. If you don’t have a spare key, you can try using a coat hanger or a slim jim to unlock the door. However, it’s important to note that these methods may cause damage to your car. If all else fails, you can call a professional locksmith or your car’s roadside assistance service for help.

Tim Gream/ author of the article
24 HOURS Afa Locksmith